2009 Selection Results

SMARTER selection committee has now completed the review of all applications submitted for the 2009 cycle. We received 28 applications from highly qualified teachers from the five boroughs of New York, Long Island, and New Jersey. The 10 finalists selected for the 2009 summer research program have been notified of the committee's decision by email and regular mail. The finalists are requested to complete and return a signed statement indicating their intent to participate in the 2009 SMARTER program (a copy of the statement has been sent to the finalists). This statement must be received at our office by April 30, 2009.

First Name Last Name Email School Name
Seth Akomah prideeagle9@yahoo.com Joseph Cavallaro School
Toufik Ayoub tayoub@schools.nyc.gov Fort Hamilton High School
Leila Cohen lcohen28@schools.nyc.gov Midwood High School
Jason Farina jfarina@gmail.com East Bronx Academy for the Future
Robert Gandolfo bobgandolfo@aol.com Plainedge High School
Mirlene Leveille mleveil2@schools.nyc.gov Boys and Girls High School
Lindrick Outerbridge linout2000@yahoo.com Philippa Schuyler Middle School
Henry Penna henrypenna@hotmail.com W. E. Grady High School
John Schineller jschineller@portnet.k12.ny.us Paul Schreiber High School
Tanya Wardally twardal@schools.nyc.gov Boys and Girls High School