2005 SMARTER Program Project Archive

Coefficient of Restitution the Bouncing Ball

Lennon Safe and Carol Obler

| Presentation Slides | Report |

Vehicle of Revolution

Henry Penna, Michael Fishenfeld, and Douraine Stewart

| Presentation Slides | Report |

Earth’s Seasonal Heat Absorption and Climate Regions Model

Joseph Renna and Rodolfo Vera

| Presentation Slides | Report |

The Heat Seeking Flame Probe

Michael Francesco and Fady Ishak

| Presentation Slides | Report |

Finding the Critical Angle of a Prism

Mustafa Kilic and Thomas Byrne

| Presentation Slides | Report |

The Smart Resonance Tube

Joe Rodichok and Robert Morris

| Presentation Slides | Report |

The Codon Decoder

Vera Mihalcik and Cameron Jahn

| Presentation Slides | Report |

Robo Submarine

Joy Hinds and James Kevin Mcmahon

| Presentation Slides | Report |